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Jack Cuomo

“Jack Cuomo” is an alias of Joe Vrola, who is the writer of “Buzzkill New Jersey.” The name comes from a combination of his sister, Jackie Vrola, and Rivers Cuomo, lead singer of the band Weezer (created around the blue album in case you were curious). “Pat O’Donahue” is the alias of Will Leahey, who co-produced, then edited the original “Buzzkill” in the summer of 2005. These aliases became the main characters in the film, which has since been tragically lost. Joe Vrola was the only other person ever to see it.

So naturally these characters would appear in “Buzzkill New Jersey,” which is basically the sequel to “Buzzkill.” Jack and Pat have a strong circle of friends, like Diana, her sister Jen, Dennis, Jerry, Tyler and so on. Every year, the group throws a party. More often than not, that party ends up going down at Jack Cuomo’s house, which is in Belmar, New Jersey.

This year’s party will be celebrating the 4th of July. Since that is Jack’s favorite holiday, there is a good chance he plans to crank up the intensity. Especially considering his recent break-up with Savannah, an especially cute red-head, who was known keep Jack’s wild partying to a relatively controllable level. As per usual, Jack’s handling of this situation has been less than spectacular.

With a host like Jack Cuomo, there is no way this party won’t get crazy.

( Jack Cuomo )

( Jack & Savannah )

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